Our Story

Building a Better Community by Strengthening Families

Watertown Family Connections (WFC), formerly the Watertown Family Center, is a community-based family resource center that is a welcoming hub of support, services, and opportunities for families with children ages birth-5. We’ve been serving families in Dodge and Jefferson Counties since 1994. Our programs and services are free of charge.

Our Vision:

All young children grow up to be healthy, happy, independent and resilient.

Our Mission:

Build relationships, educational experiences and connections to resources that ensure all young children and families in our community thrive.

Through all of our work, we help families build upon their strengths in five essential areas:

Helping kids understand feelings

Parenting as children grow

Connecting with others

Building inner strength

Knowing how to find help

Core Values

We Value Children.

Every child deserves to live in a safe and nurturing environment. Harming a child in any way is unacceptable. We seek to raise the value society places on children, to provide support and education services to parents and caregivers and to prevent abuse and neglect so that our community’s children can develop to their full potential.

We Value Strong Families.

We believe that family members and caregivers want to be successful in raising children. By providing families with the support, resources, and information they need and want, we help strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect.

We Value a Safe and Caring Community.

Child abuse and neglect can be prevented when we all stand together- political leaders, funders, institutions, and individuals – in support of families. When family members and caregivers have the capacity to care for and nurture their children, abuse and neglect can be prevented.

Our Team


Stephanie Curtis

Executive Director

Stephanie joined Watertown Family Center (WFC) as Executive Director in 2005 and has more than 20 years experience in nonprofit management, organization development and advocating for children and families.  As Executive Director at WFC, Curtis’ visionary leadership guides the direction of comprehensive family support programming which includes early childhood education/child development, family development/parent support and resource network.  Curtis is passionate about building relationships across sectors to better serve community members in need. Stephanie has devoted her life and career to supporting children and families.


Heidi Opps

Playologist/Administrative Assistant

Heidi has over 10 years of childcare experience and working in early childhood education. A mom of two young children and married to Nate, Ms. Heidi knows the importance of parent child engagement and that parents are their child’s first teacher.

Linden Peacy

Parent Education Coordinator

Nora Hernandez

Bilingual Parent Educator

Christina Neace


Christina has a background in Early Childhood Education and has been working with children and families for over 25 years.  As a former 4K teacher Ms. Christina applies   her knowledge of how children learn through play to each playgroup.


Board Committees:
Finance | Fundraising | Marketing | Policy

Stephanie Bykowski, President
Sweet Talkin Treats and Hillside Gardens AFH

Fred Jandt, Vice President
American Family Insurance

Jim Bird, Treasurer
Watertown Regional Medical Center


Jenny Borst
Watertown Unified School District

Beth Boucher
Jefferson County Birth – Three

Peg Checkai
Watertown Library Center


Laci Cummings
Watertown Public Health

Carol Quest
Watertown Public Health

Angela Reich
Structural Engineer

Anthony Ratenburg
Watertown Fire Department

Katie Van Der Linden
Ebenezer Moravian Church

Cassandra Wagner
Orbis Corporation