Your support matters! To make a donation, simply click above link or mail a check payable to ‘Watertown Family Connections’ to our office address below.

Click here for the printable donation form. 

30 for 30 Giving Campaign

Over the past 30 years, Watertown Family Connections has worked tirelessly to ensure that all young children grow up healthy, happy, independent, and resilient. They’ve positively impacted over 5,000 families and are excited to expand our programs to help our community’s young children and families thrive.

Here’s How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Each dollar is an investment in the present well-being and education of Jefferson & Dodge counties’ youngest residents, to ensure their future success.
  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign with friends and family. The more people know about our cause, the more families we can serve. (add QR Code)
  • Volunteer: Join us in creating the best programs. Your time and skills are invaluable.

30 for 30 Giving Campaign Donation Tiers:

  • $30 ‘Friend of WFC’: A thank you shout-out on our social media.
  • $300 ‘Community Builder’: Your name on our ‘Wall of Thanks’ at the center.
  • $3,000 ‘Legacy Patron’: A personalized plaque in “Wall of Thanks”. 

    Your support over the years has been the heart of our success. As we look forward to the future, we invite you to be a part of this special campaign. We can continue building a strong, connected, and caring community.

Invest in Early Childhood Development thru Watertown Family Connections!

WFC could not make the difference that we do without the help of supporters like you. Contributions made to WFC are not just an investment in our organization. An investment in WFC is an investment in the present well-being and education of Jefferson & Dodge counties’ youngest residents, to ensure their future success. Why should you invest in early childhood?

  • Brain development is most rapid and intense in early childhood. Environments and interactions with adults make all the difference at this point. It is logical and effective to prioritize efforts to improve outcomes for our youngest children
  • According to the Institute of a Competitive Workforce, research shows that for every dollar invested in early care and education today, between $2.50 and $17 will be saved in the years ahead in terms of long-term educational, social and economic benefits

Donate Now!

Yes I want to support parents and children!

Remember, contributions made to WFC are 100% tax deductible and we will send you a receipt for your records. WFC applies individual and community contributions to multiple programs as a means to leverage and maximize resources that support the well-being and education of Jefferson & Dodge Counties’ children.
